Sunday, November 30, 2008

Let see, it all started last Easter when our sister-in-law Janie brought up the subject of dachshunds. She worked in a vet's office and someone had come in with puppies. She immediately thought of Charlie. He had grown with dachshunds and had stated several times that if he ever got another dog it would be a doxie. She wanted to know if we would be interested in one of the puppies. That is all it took! The thought was now in our heads, live with a dog? We had always talked that when our cat, wezzie, went we were through being pet owners, and now here we were thinking of getting a puppy and wezzie was still with us.

Well when Janie got ready to leave I asked Charlie, are you really interested in getting a puppy?? Yes of course he was and we told her to get us the information so we could contact the person with the puppies. Well, weeks went by and no call, emails or anything from Janie. So we wondered, what had happened. Here she got our hopes up and then didn't deliver. So I emailed her to see what was up and started my own search on the internet for breeders here in Florida.

Charlie was determined that he was going to get one for FREE... Well he was living in the dark ages. I knew that if we found one we liked we would have to pay for the dog. Next we couldn't seem to agree on what kind. Little did we know there were so many various. He really wanted the standard doxie, smooth red coat, I was leaning towards a black and tan one. After numerous searches on the internet looking at many, many website and emailing back and forth with the breeders I finally narrowed it down to about three different breeders.

All had puppies available, now which one was for us. One breeder was local, just a few miles from us, so I emailed the breeder telling her what we wanted and waited to hear back from her. Of course I wanted to meet the puppies and parents and price was one of our consideration. So for now I was focusing on the price everybody wanted for the puppies. Days went by and no a email, call anything from this local breeder. So I continued on to the next breeder. She was probably a good hour and half drive from us but at least she responded. She sent me photos and gave me prices. Next I tried one more breeder I happened to stumble across. She was 3 hours away, but very good at sending pictures of the puppies she had available and her asking prices. I was hooked, she sent us two different photos, one for a black and tan and one creme longhaired. The moment I opened up the creme longhaired I knew we had found our puppy. Keep in mind this was not at all the puppy we started looking for. But he was just adorable. I just couldn't wait for Charlie to get home and show him the puppy. We looked at all the photos the breeders had sent up and we both agreed on the creme longhaired puppy.

Next I contacted the breeder by email to ask a few more questions, like how old was he, how big would he get and many more. It was kind of silly as I knew no matter what she told us we were getting this puppy. She called the very next morning and I told her we just loved the puppy and we had made our minds up he was the one. Then we had to decided if we really wanted to drive that far to get him. Gas prices were over 3.50 at this time. We really didn't hesitate very much we decided he was worth the trip. So we called back the breeder and told her we would take him. She was nice enough to meet us in Gainsville, Fl, which saved us over an hour drive each way. I was so excited. The time couldn't pass fast enough for me. We finally started out to go get our DEXTER.

Once we found the pet store where we were going to meet, time again dragged by as we waited for Joan, the breeder, to show up. We both were very excited and once we saw her vehicle we jumped out of the car. She got Dexter out of the back seat and I instantly fell in love with him. He was just so adorable.

Here he is once we got him home that wonderful Saturday in MAY.